
Showing posts from September, 2017

Good Questions Lead To Good Questions

This past week, I had the opportunity to learn with the principals and math leads from our district's K-8 elementary schools.  Part of the learning we did that day was building content knowledge for teaching mathematics.  In our district, we have been doing a lot of learning around making connections between concrete, diagrammatic and symbolic mathematics (my colleague Mike Jacobs blogs about it in detail here , here , here , and here  and in other places on his blog ).  The concrete-diagrammatic-symbolic continuum has had a big impact with our students and helps them develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.  When Mike and I were asked to share a couple of mathematics activities with the group, we thought it would be a great idea for them to do some thinking with pattern blocks as they're a readily available resource in our schools. We began by tweeting an appetizer on Monday from our board math Twitter account, @DCDSBMath: As far as tweet...